Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Goobdbye, Halloween! Hello, Thanksgiving!

Well, October was a fun month in our house! We had lots of firsts as a family and even more firsts for AJ! There was the picnic at the arboretum, the pumpkin patch and pumpkin painting and theeeennnn.... AJ's first Trick-or-Treating experience! Gran (my mom), found the cutest policeman's uniform and ordered for him. The company even embroidered "Officer AJ" on it! It was complete with hat and equipment belt with handcuffs etc. He used his police car Easter basket as his candy bucket and he was super excited!

The Little Officer

We went out to Wylie to trick or treat with Mollie around her neighborhood. There was a whole brood of kiddos that we walked with, all older than AJ, but he did a pretty good job of keeping up with them! He would walk up and quietly say his own version of "trick or treat" that sounded something like "treh-tweet".

Mollie the ballerina and AJ the police officer.
The Trick or Treating group!
Off to get some goodies!
His first treat of the night.
Keeping up with the gang!
 By the end of the night he was one worn out little boy but he had a great time and I loved being able to watch him have fun and enjoy another first!!